Tweaklet #15 – Fighting Disease with an Alkaline Diet

Our western diet is considered quite acid-forming and science shows that replacing acid-forming foods with alkaline foods can improve our health.

Our ancestors mostly ate what they grew from the earth: fresh fruits, vegetables and legumes – and their diets were rich in alkaline foods.

Our current diet, however, consists predominantly of meat, sugars, caffeine, processed foods and food products with little or no nutrient content, like those from packets and jars. Eating for convenience has made it harder for our bodies to maintain its critical pH equilibrium.

When the pH in our blood is out of balance, every cell in our body suffers. All gardeners know that most plants need alkaline soil to grow and if the soil becomes too acidic, plants die. Human bodies are the same. The cells absorb minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and enzymes and utilise nutrients to produce energy. Cells that live in an unbalanced environment absorb too little or too much of certain elements, causing a range of health issues, such as obesity, early ageing, cancer, heart disease, allergies, fatigue and general low resistance and low immunity, making us further prone to bacterial and viral infections.

But when our bodies are alkaline its much more difficult for a disease or infection to take hold.

So the type of foods that are more acid-forming are things like Processed foods and refined sugar. Things like dairy, eggs, meat and most grains are too. I’m sorry to say that alcohol and coffee are in the acidic category too!    But before you panic, this doesn’t mean cutting all those things out, it’s just good to be more aware and work towards a balance that suits you.

The basis of the alkaline diet is eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Eat the rainbow, as they say, to include plenty of variety. A good starting place maybe simply to get rid of any packets or jars of convenience food, cut out fast food and processed food.

Like most things, an 80/20 rule is fine – in favour of alkaline rich foods – because there will always be times when you want to indulge. And of course, like anything else we talk about on Tweaklets, check things out for yourself. Get advice, determine if this is for you and never just jump into something…..ease in.

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Tweaklet #14 – Avoid Chronic Dehydration

We’ve talked about water before and if you are getting to know me you know as it isn’t the first time it won’t be the last!

Water isn’t just good for you, water burns fat. Water also suppresses hunger. Water renews your skin. Just drinking 1 – 2 litres……or 8 to 12 ounces of pure water every day can help you drop fat, have more energy, and save your kidneys and liver from working too hard.

Why do I say that? Well, when you don’t drink enough water your kidneys have to work too hard and then your liver has to take over.

Now, listen carefully….. your liver is your number one fat-burning organ. So we want it to stay focused on that task right? So do you REALLY want it processing liquids and toxins rather than BURNING FAT? No! of course not! So work with me here….. grab a glass of water, and watch the results. If you consistently up your daily water intake within a few short weeks, there will be a noticeable change in your face – expect it to look smoother, brighter and less lined and your body should look less bloated and your skin less crepey. You’ll be feeling lighter and easier, maybe thinking clearer and sleeping better…. Pay attention and watch for all the good signs that some with better hydration.

So that’s today’s Tweaklet – tiny food tweaks that make all the difference. Remember to subscribe to the Tweaklets YouTube channel to keep watching.

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Tweaklet #13 – Forget Low-Fat Diets

Today we’re getting rid of low-fat diets. Many of us think low fat is the norm for maintaining better health. I won’t go into the history or where this fad, and this is all it is, took root. For now, let’s just look at where eating low fat has taken us.

Today, in the western world, we are fatter, sicker, and more addicted to sugar and carbs than any other time in history. And, we’re passing these habits to our kids.

Think about it, if you buy low-fat foods, the fat component has to be replaced with something to make it taste good and usually the replacement is sugar and lots of it and what does sugar turn to into when digested ………. You guessed it…..Fat!!! Or it’s an artificial sweetener which the body doesn’t recognise and therefore process and that creates a whole bunch of other problems.

The key thing we have lost sight of is that fats are not to be feared – they’re to be embraced. Here’s a revelation – fats do not make you fat! Healthy fats help your body regenerate. They particularly help your hormones regenerate. Testosterone, for example, which is our ‘strength’ hormone, is the direct result of cholesterol and dietary fat intake. That’s right: “Cholesterol” isn’t a dirty word! We’ll talk about cholesterol another time. But the bottom line is your body needs dietary fat and cholesterol in order to produce ALL vital hormones.

Some healthy fats you can easily include in your diet include Avocados, Cheese (if you eat dairy), dark chocolate, eggs, nuts, chia seeds, olive oil and fish. And if you’re a meat eater, then small portions of quality meat are good too.

People on low-fat diets often look drawn, gaunt, and weak. They are often sick, sometimes to the point of literally breaking down. You can’t enjoy a healthy varied diet, or even eating out when you’re trying to stick to a low-fat diet.  It’s certainly not going to make you look or feel younger.

So do your homework on healthy fats everyone – that’s today’s Tweaklet! I hope you’re enjoying these tiny food tweaks. Make sure you Like comment and SUBSCRIBE.

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