Tweaklet #49 – Chilli

Do you like spicy food? Do you always reach for the chilli sauce or chopped chilli to go with your main meal? Or are you the opposite and shy away from anything spicy?

I love spicy food but I can’t handle spice that burns the back of my throat and makes me break out into a sweat. But according to new research, eating hot chillis could be the secret to a longer life!

Chillis, otherwise known as hot peppers, have been grown and used in food for thousands of years and like a lot of spices they have excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

They’re also good for weight loss as they speed up your metabolism, stop cravings and are natural appetite suppressants.

The capsaicin found in spicy foods actually lowers cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol accumulation in the body. And chilli’s anti-inflammatory properties make it great for heart health generally.

So what’s your spice level? If you’re new to chilli ease in gradually or you’ll put yourself off and that would be a shame. Build up gradually and try some ground spices like paprika and cayenne and if you’re buying fresh peppers, do your research to find out just how hot each variety is. Remember some of the smallest in size can be the most fiery!

A little tip, from painful personal experience, is when you’re chopping up fresh chilli peppers remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards and even then don’t go touching your eyes! Boy did I learn that one the hard way several times!

So, whilst we wait for further research on whether spicy food will help us live longer, let’s just get on and enjoy experimenting with adding some heat to our food. Time to spice up our lives Tweakleters!

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Tweaklet #32 Cinnamon – World’s No.1 Spice

Let’s take a look at what is generally referred to as the world’s Number One Spice – cinnamon.

Cinnamon has been used medicinally for thousands of years and in cooking it’s sweet and warming and delicious.  It’s well known for its protective antioxidant properties, but also for being antibacterial, antifungal and anti-diabetic!

Cinnamon actually comes from the oily part of a tree so the popular powdered form is actually tree bark. Interesting huh? And of course, it’s really easy to get and so easy to use, just try to get it from a good source and keep replacing it periodically so that it retains its freshness and potency.

And cinnamon really is potent! As little as half a teaspoon a day can positively affect blood sugar and cholesterol…..digestion and overall immunity.. Cinnamon is also effective in reducing the risk of heart disease……., diabetes……and cancer.

You can keep infections and viruses at bay and maintain healthy brain function through the inclusion of cinnamon in your diet.

When we were talking about cutting out sugar cinnamon is one of the spices that can be a helpful replacement, adding loads of flavour and warmth to food without needing to sweeten it.

Grated fresh cinnamon is great but cinnamon sticks also add real depth of flavour to sweet and savoury dishes or add one to hot water to infuse for a hit of cinnamon tea. Ground cinnamon is wonderful and not just for sprinkling over desserts or oatmeal or yoghurt, it’s also excellent to sprinkle into savoury dishes like soups and stews.

You can also buy cinnamon capsules and as an essential oil.

So, I invite you into the wonderful world of cinnamon and all its medicinal and foodie delights.

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Tweaklet #30 Ginger – Powerful and Delicious

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE ginger! I make a ginger and lemon hot water drink every morning before I drink anything else. Freshly grated ginger! Yum. It goes into most dishes I cook –sweet and savoury.

I’m sure you find that there are certain foods that you are naturally drawn too? Well, ginger is one of mine.

It’s been around forever and is known for its powerful medicinal properties in both traditional and alternative medicine.

It’s a health enhancer in so many ways. It helps with upset stomachs such as morning sickness and motion sickness…….. It reduces the kind of inflammation that most commonly contribute to chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, arthritis and brain disorders. Its powerful antioxidant qualities can help prevent, slow down or even stop serious diseases in their tracks.

Ginger eases menstrual pains…. fights fungal infections…… protects against stomach ulcers….regulates blood sugar……lowers cholesterol…. Relieves joint and muscle pain……and promotes good gut health.

Fresh ginger can be grated into literally every dish, pretty much. Just scrape back the skin with your fingernail or peel it back. Add it into soups, stews, stir-fries……. Meat dishes…..Veggie dishes……Juice it or add it to smoothies. Then, of course, you can also generously sprinkle dry ginger into your food or use ginger essential oil or buy a ginger supplement.

Ah ginger….,my , zesty peppery, delicious and nutritious friend, you’re the best!

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Tweaklet #28 Tumeric – the healing power of yellow!

One spice that you just can’t help knowing something about is Turmeric! This glorious golden spice is so vibrant and its magnificence goes far beyond its place as the number one spice in Indian cuisine, this is a powder that for centuries has been used to heal the body both inside and outside.

Turmeric is a wonderful anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It’s well known for speeding up the healing process of wounds and skin conditions. It’s great for digestion and has powerful antioxidant properties which can protect your liver and other organs from being damaged by strong drugs.

I really don’t use enough Turmeric which is what has prompted me to do this particular Tweaklet, so let’s look at ways to include this fabulous health booster into our diets.

Tumeric is a member of the ginger family and as you already know I love ginger! Depending on where you live you may find turmeric fresh and can grate it into your favourite stir fries, soups and savoury dishes.

If you only have access to powdered Turmeric you can sprinkle it into eggs….. greens……. Rice……. roasted vegetables …..and meat dishes or use it as a rub. You can add it into dressings…….. and sauces and put turmeric into your smoothies and tea.  Just sprinkle away and be generous!

For those of you who want to make full use of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties, look up recipes for golden milk. I haven’t tried making it yet but I will and we can then compare notes!

So that’s our golden Tweaklet for today – turmeric! I’d love to know how you include Turmeric in your daily diet.

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