Tweaklet #43 – Blueberries

Which is your favourite berry?

All berries are a good low-sugar, low calorie option when it comes to a fruit snack. One perhaps gets rather overlooked and that’s the blueberry……..

This tiny dusky purple skinned beauty is, in fact, the most nutritious …..most anti-oxidant rich fruit in the world!

It does many good things from enhancing brain health to keeping your heart strong.

Blueberries are actually another heroic, cape wearing SUPER FOOD! Yep, here’s another superfood alert!

So the antioxidant properties of blueberries mean that they precent cell damage and they also protect against several types of chronic disease, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. That’s to do with having the highest levels of antioxidants but also the profile of them, which includes phenols, flavonoids and anthocyanins.

Studies have shown that blueberry extract was able to inhibit the growth and spread of stomach, prostate, intestine and breast cancer cells and
Blueberries provide a whopping 3.6 grams of fibre per cupful, which gives you up to 14 percent of your daily fibre needs and this means it’s great for slow digestion and therefore blueberries are great for helping with weight loss and digestion.

One of the most impressive health benefits of blueberries is its ability to enhance brain health. There have been many studies suggesting that eating blueberries could improve memory and cognition.

So blueberries – delicious, nutritious, fibre rich and low in sugar – you are my first choice for a breakfast smoothie or an afternoon snack.

What a wonderful superfood you are!

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Tweaklet #19 – Brain Fog!

You know one of the things I really hate is having a foggy brain! I’m sure you know what I mean- when you just can’t think straight and you feel like you’re battling your way through cotton wool!

Aaargh…….I hate it!

When we have deadlines to meet or loved ones to look after, even just errands to run, not having a clear mind is a real hindrance.

But, as always, I have some good news for natural ways to boost your mental capacity, your mood, as well as rejuvenate your overall brain health.. .all using food.

Gotu kola is a delicious brain shaped leaf that can be eaten in your salad. It helps with memory and repairing neural damage.

Gingko has been shown to boost stem cell production in the brain with extraordinary effects in memory and cognition

As I was researching this I came across some natural remedies that I was not familiar with so I will report on those too and do some more research into them for you.

Brahmi for instance is a revered medicinal plant which stimulates brain cells, whilst lowering brain inflammation.

Rhodiola combats stress and fatigue and restores our mental balance.

And finally Lion’s Mane which is a medicinal mushroom that repairs and rebuilds the nerve network in the brain preventing degenerative brain diseases.

I just love finding simple natural solutions to something like brain fog. It’s a great reminder that we don’t have to live with these annoying conditions or take pills, which only create more problems in our body.

So I order you…brain fog be gone!

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