Tweaklet #18 – Acid vs Alkaline

We’ve talked about how to aim for a better balance acid and alkaline balance in your body. It’s not always easy to work out how to achieve this so I thought a few more tips might be in order.

First, though let’s just remind ourselves why it’s important to maintain a more alkaline system. The main reason is that when we’re too acidic we’re fuelling inflammation in the body whereas when our system is more alkaline it’s very difficult for any disease or infection to take hold.

So what does eating alkaline mean? In scientific terms, it means that you’re trying to keep your body’s acid-base or pH level between 6.5, which is slightly acidic, and 7.5 which is slightly alkaline.

Acid-forming foods include most high-protein foods, such as meat, fish, and eggs, whereas most vegetables are alkaline-forming.
Stay away from processed foods and that includes fast food of course but also deli meats and all those convenience packaged foods and sauces in jars. Sugar and wheat fuel acidity too as does coffee and alcohol.

There are some interesting anomalies too. Most people think that lemons are acidic, which they are but when digested they have an alkaline effect. Dairy – such as milk and yoghurt which are thought of as calming to the digestive system are not and are actually highly acidic.

There’s always more useful information coming to light on the balance between alkaline and acidic foods so, during our tiny food tweaks on Tweaklets, we will keep you posted.

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