Tweaklet #10 – Super Foods!

Superfood….such a strong term isn’t it? Makes me think of a bunch of foods all lined up wearing superhero capes, and their undies on the outside!

There’s actually no official scientific definition of a superfood but it’s become widely recognised that certain foods contain high levels of much-needed vitamins and minerals. They are also a great source of antioxidents, which are substances that protect our bodies from cell damage and against disease.

The most well known superfoods are blueberries, kale and leafy greens, and salmon. But there are a bunch more – nuts, olive oil, yoghurt, whole grains and sweet potato. There are some really exotic ones too – like seeweed, cacao, chia seeds, mangosteen (I know I had to look that one up too!)

So your tweak superfood heroes, is to add a few more superfoods into your diet. Then it’s up, up and away!

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Tweaklet #9 – Superbugs!

We’ve talked about superfoods before but what’s a super bug? A super bug is a strain of bacteria that has become resistant to antibiotics. They have come about because of the overprescribing of antiobiotics.

Just to tell you how big this problem is, a study in the US of 19 million health records, and a similar study in the UK, showed that 23.2% of all antibiotic prescriptions were inappropriate.

Most commonly doctors prescribed them to fight a VIRAL infection but antibiotics only work on bacterial infections.

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Tweaklet #8 – Tune into your own Inner Nutritionist.

Do 2 or 3 days of consciously choosing what you are going eat for each meal. If you can do a  whole week. Think about the portion sizes, the balance of the plate and then notice afterwards how you feel.

Immediately afterwards notice if you feel overfull and perhaps didn’t stop eating soon enough. Or do you still feel hungry but within half an hour you realise you’re actually quite full.

Following that, what is your concentration like and your energy levels? What are your moods like and is there any pattern to them according to what you’ve eaten? How well do you sleep? Which part of the day are you most productive?

How soon after a meal do you feel hungry again?

And particularly notice what foods you crave or are drawn to – sweet, salty, soft, crunchy?

Just notice. This is the first step to listening to your own inner nutritionist. Your body is a mine of information and you listen it will tell you everything you need to know.

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Tweaklet #7 – Smaller Plate Smaller Waist

There has always been a lot of debate about whether eating from a smaller plate actually makes people eat less. Studies have shown that there is some supporting psychology behind a smaller plate size helping with weight loss.

Of course the most important aspect to eating a healthy meal is getting the balance right –Half your plate should be green vegetables.  A quarter of your plate protein – which is meat, if you eat it , or lentils, legumes if you don’t  .An eighth of your plate is complex carbs – brown rice, quinoa, beets, sweet potato, carrot or millet. One eighth good fats – nuts, seeds, nut butter, nut oils, olive oil, avocado,  flax or coconut oil.

Don’t count calories, for goodness sake! There is no need for that, just get a better awareness of the foods you are putting on the plate. We’ll talk about that in another Tweaklet but for now, maybe play with the notion of smaller plate, smaller waist!

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Tweaklet #6 – Fasting isn’t Starving

I want to tell you very quickly about Intermittent Fasting. If you’re like me you hear the word FAST and you think it means STARVE.

But this is how it works. Intermittent fasting means you eat within an 8 hour period during the day. You eat your last meal at night, preferably around 6 pm and then you don’t eat again for 16 hours, which takes you to around 10 am the next morning.

This is called 16:8 intermittent fasting and the health benefits include balancing blood sugar, lowering cholesterol, increasing fat burning, boosting energy levels and mental clarity and many more.

If you haven’t heard of it look it up. For most people it’s easy to do. Of course there are people who should not try this without medical supervision – those who are underweight or with eating disorders, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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Tweaklet #5 – Breakfast: Savoury or Sweet

If you prefer a sweet breakfast please, I implore you, stay away from sugar cereals and pastries. Try Berries which are low in fructose so are a good low sugar fruit option and contain many phytonutrients.

Savoury breakfasts are a better option for most people however as they get blood sugar more balanced, which means less cravings and a more even delivery of energy throughout the day.

Scrambled eggs or an omelette are good options, if eggs agree with you. You can add fetta and olives for some healthy fat that keeps you feeling fuller and add in any green vegetables, like spinach and perhaps some peppers to spice it up.

But if you really love sweet, then try making a buckwheat pancake. Buckwheat is a seed and not made from wheat, so there are no issues with gluten, and makes delicious pancakes. Adding some maple syrup, which is a natural sweetener, makes a good topping.

You can work out what naturally suits you by noticing which type of breakfast gives you the best energy levels during the morning.

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Tweaklet #4 – Savoury Oatmeal

If you know you have a sweet tooth then having something sweet for breakfast can get your cravings started and your blood sugar balance on a roller coaster so there’s a strong argument for having something savoury for breakfast.

Research even suggests that if you have trouble going to be early or getting to sleep then it could be because you eat more sugar and fat than you need to. Tweak this balance and your metabolism will t thank you and your internal body can reset itself.

So think about starting the day on a savoury note. If you are an oatmeal lover then make a savoury version. Sound weird, well hear me out.

To your plain oats add one tablespoon of ground flax, and your favourite spice blend – think garlic powder, ground ginger, paprika, and turmeric. Then add a little milk or a non-dairy milk like almond or oat milk for a dose of protein. You can also add in grated zucchini for volume and extra fiber and top with a fried egg for extra protein.

Worth a try hey?

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Tweaklet #3 – Coffee shrinks breasts

Coffee drinkers beware! No don’t worry, I am not going to get after you about caffeine (not in this Tweaklet anyway), but a study of 300 women conducted in the UK raised concerns about coffee skrinking their breast size! Yikes!

The study examined the effects of the stimulant on hormones and concluded that Women who drank more than three cups of coffee a day had breasts an average of 17 per cent smaller than those whose who drank less than three cups a day.

And men before you think you’re off the hook, the study also showed that coffee has an impact on the male sex hormone testosterone.

You know the tweak here….drink less than three cups of coffee a day folks!

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Tweaklet #2 – Super Shrink me!

Let’s talk caffeine! Actually, today, let’s just talk about coffee. Today is not the day to get into the debate about the pros and cons of drinking coffee nor about how much coffee is too much.

Today’s tweaklet is simple – instead of super-size me, when you order your coffee or make your own, think super shrink me! Just have a smaller sized coffee.  And for those of you who love all the foam and syrups and things, when you try Super Shrink Me, as well as drinking less caffeine, you’ll also be having a lot less of all those fattening extras.

I know that sounds ridiculously simple! But it’s a tweaklet, just a small adjustment to try that could really make a big difference to your health, your weight and your piece of mind!

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Tweaklet #1 – Water

Water … yep firstly most of us don’t drink enough of it – that’s not too much of a surprise – but secondly, it could help us eat less and lose weight. Really? Yep. Keep watching.

So how much water should we drink? Around 2 litres per day, or for our non-metric friends, that’s eight 8 ounce glasses. Depending on whether I’m at home, or out and about, I might not make my quota, sometimes not even close. But like any tweaklet, just tweak what you’re doing now and give it your best shot.

Honestly, there’s really no argument for NOT drinking water and ‘I don’t like the taste of it’ doesn’t cut it – add some fruit or find a natural hydration flavour sachet you can add. Maybe some fizzy water if you have to.

Around 60% of our bodies are made up of water so our cells need it for hydration and renewal. It makes our skin glow and not get all withered up and wrinkly and, most importantly, water helps us poop!

Plus if you drink a glass of water before a meal, you cut out those hunger pangs and because you’ll feel fuller you naturally won’t want to eat as much. Do that consistently and you are going to lose weight. So there’s today’s tweaklet – drink more water and look younger, brighter, poop better and lose weight!

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